amazon product preview javascript

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11/13/2010 11:28:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: amazon product preview javascript

You'll see it in Console view of Firebug. Might have to refresh the page after going to console view and you may have to enable console in Firebug settings.

One could try to write their own widget but it is a shame that amazon hasn't done a better job providing one. The product preview thing came out in like 2006 and it still says "New" next to it. 

I'm curious have you actually made any significant revenue from amazon?  I've used them for years on and on this site and made next to nothing. 

I'm not sure the popup product details is really going to help your conversion rate much.I think just writing personal recommendations snippets beneath the ads telling your readers why you recommend the book/product will help your conversion rate much more than the little popup. You could also use their iframe widgets to show more product detail.





11/13/2010 5:33:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: amazon product preview javascript

Hi Andria,

I deleted your most recent post because it delved into topics and and key words I don't want associated with this site.

I hope you don't see that as judgmental, what kind of web sites and content you put on your own sites or have done in the past is your own business and I do not judge it and am happy to help to the best of my abilities with technical issues or advice in general to anyone using mojoPortal, but  I do reserve the right to control and limit what is posted on this site and some of what you said was not relevant to the technical issues on this thread and not in keeping with my own content decisions for this site.

Hope you understand.



11/14/2010 3:22:27 PM
Total Posts 147
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Re: amazon product preview javascript

Sure, not a problem -- it was just my response to your question about income, and I know that stuff has a real stigma attached to it.



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