MojoPortal book on Amazon

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11/2/2010 1:11:39 PM
Total Posts 2

MojoPortal book on Amazon

There is a book about mojoportal on Amazon, (MojoPortal [Paperback]
, Betascript Publishing (July 3, 2010) ) having less than 100 pages.

Does anyone here read that book?

There is not even a description about the content or for what group this book is for on the Amazon site.

I was just wondering if anyone has some info on that.



11/2/2010 1:27:45 PM
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Re: MojoPortal book on Amazon

I find that book very questionable. I mean, the description says "High quality content by WIKIPEDIA articles!" I have a feeling they may have just appropriated a lot of Joe's hard work and documentation to produce that book.

Take a look too at the authors' other books on Amazon. Dozens published in the past few months, mostly about history. Not exactly a resume that says "computer expert" to me.

I personally think this is someone trying to cash in on mojoPortal and other things by aggregating public information and trying to get someone to pay for it.

Now if Joe A., Joe D., and other mojoPortal expert users would collaborate on a mojoPortal book, that would get me interested.

Then again, there is better documentation here at than for almost any other open source CMS I've looked at, so a book might just be redundant.

11/2/2010 1:32:58 PM
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Re: MojoPortal book on Amazon

Okay, I did a little more research about "Betascript Publishing" and found this interesting post.

The Wikipedia page on mojoPortal wouldn't even fill a pamphlet, so I have NO idea how they would pad this out into a book of 92 pages!

Anyway, this book is obviously a SKIP.

11/2/2010 1:43:45 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: MojoPortal book on Amazon

Hi Jamie

Thanks for answering my question. This was exactly what I thought, 92 pages and 43 bucks, something doesn't compute here.

I looked at the link in your post and it say's all. Just wonder that Amazon did not see that scam.


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