This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
Hello Mojo,
I have successfully installed Mojo 5 times in the Mosso Cloud.
All 5 are using MSsql and I am quickly seeing the db size allocation reached.
I have downloaded the MYsql DataLayer as per another article I found and did an install on another domain to test it. Obviously, I have used the mysql connection string, etc. and reached a blocker.
Probing system... File system permissions ok. MySQL database connection ok. database permissions are sufficient to alter schema. database initial schema needs to be created. This site appears to be running in a secured environment using Medium Trust policy or at least lower than Full Trust. In order to use MySQL under Medium Trust, The MySQL Connector for .NET must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache on the server. If you see a SecurityException in the error message then the Connector is not installed. You can download the MySql Connector for .NET from here:
It says MySQL connected ok, but I'm having difficulty getting past this screen.
Any insight?
Thank you,
You need to deploy the /Setup folder from the mojoPortal MySql data layer package, then run setup page again. Right now there are no scripts for MySql on disk so it cannot run the scripts.
Hope it helps,
Thank you for responding, however my work on other projects caused me to table this for weeks.
I am now back on it and in need of a solution.
"deploy the /Setup folder from the mojoPortal MySql data layer package"
"then run setup page again"
I will search the forums for a better understanding.
I have no idea where or how to perform what you described.
Will search the forum.
The site I am working on is:
Ok, I have refreshed my memory of the MySql process, as docmented and can confirm I have accomplished the following:
First, the same MsSql Install which I have performed on other domains on the server, has been installed in the same manner.
Only now I am attempting to switch to MySql.
I have Downloaded the mysqldatalayer-GPL
I have copied the Dlls from the mysqldatalayer downloaded, into the Bin folder on the server.
I have copied the Setup Folder from the mysqldatalayer downloaded, into the Setup folder on the server.
I have run Setup.
Results are the same.
What am I missing?
Your error says the database connection was actively refused, you'll need to ask your host for help with that. Either your connection string is not correct or the web server is not allowed to connect to the database server.
Thank you for always being there and addressing the issue very directly.
I spent a great deal of time on with Mosso support, the connection string finally resolves, however it resolves with the original web and user config... no changes.
It managed to complete the install, then deliver the all famous... Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase' from assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
I received that once before and scanned the forums....
.NET 3.5 SP1 needed.
And, it seems this happens to be one of my oldest domains on Mosso, in a cluster without 3.5 SP1.
The solution is to delete from Mosso Cpanel, then waith 10 minutes or so, and add a new domain. Basically adding the URL back to Mosso but on a newer Cluster.
Thus, by the time you read this tomorrow, I hope to have the portal install finally completed, after 4 weeks of hair pulling.
Thank you for all your help.