I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

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10/20/2010 9:34:24 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

Sorry but I think not regardless of what it says, the error is clearly about the temporary location where uploaded files are uploaded. If App_Data is writable it will upload under App_Data/NeatUpload_Temp, if it is not then it will try to use the windows temp folder and it causes this permissions error.

People have reported this issue many times.

Maybe get some help from your host if you are not able to get the file permissions set as needed from your web control panel.

10/20/2010 12:01:40 PM
Total Posts 165

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

Hey Joe,

Just an update for you, I'm working with Rackspace right now on this issue, because two sites with the same code one works and the other does not.

So, not really sure what is going on.


10/21/2010 6:54:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

not really sure what is going on

Sorry that you are not confident in my diagnosis but I have no doubt about this after helping people with this exact problem many times. And as you say the same code works in a different site and that clearly indicates a configuration issue not a code issue.




10/21/2010 7:46:16 AM
Total Posts 165

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

Hey Joe,

I'm so sorry, I was not referring to your diagnosis at all, I'm referring to me not understanding things as well as I need to.

I have been working with Rackspace and we found out that the other site does not work correctly also, so we are digging more.

They believe it may be a issue with the user accounts or I should say the ones I'm using.

Once I find the solution I'll make sure I post it here so you have it for other's that use Rackspace, oh by the way Rackspace is working on .net 4.0, they have it in beta right now.

Again sorry, I was not referring to you.


10/24/2010 5:08:46 PM
Total Posts 165

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

Hey Joe,

Here's the answer from Rackspace:


Thanks for the update. Microsoft has a bug in the older versions of Asp.Net in which creating a file or folder in a sub directory cannot be done because it checks the permission of all the parent directories ahead of it. In our environment, the primary account has different permissions than the sub account, so the check fails. There are actually 2 workarounds for the permission check bug.

One work around is to set a symlink on the servers so that your path went
from: \\fsvs01\Target01\322874\350866\www.lakeshoregardens.org

This way the way the code checks the directory, only goes as far as the sub account where it has permissions. This may be why your code can work now.

The other work around is in Microsoft's latest release of Asp.Net 4.0. We are actually taking Beta applications for Asp.Net 4.0 as stated in our forum post here: https://manage.rackspacecloud.com/forum/posts/list/3961.page

If you would like to join the beta, feel free to let us know. There are a some breaking changes in Asp.net 4.0, so be sure to review those before getting any of your sites converted to the Beta.

10/26/2010 6:29:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: I keep getting 'Sorry but a server error has occurred'

so it is a configuration issue that prevents correct permissions from working.

While it might be classified as a bug in older versions asp.net, it is still a configuration issue. Its just that Microsoft agrees it should work in the configuration used by your host so they agree to call it a bug.

Nevertheless it is not an issue that affects most installations, it just has to do with the specific configuration used by Rackspace and possibly others but, it does not affect most hosting environments or this would be more widely reported.



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