I'm having problems downloading large files from the shared files module. I just switched from IIS 5 to IIS 6 on a Win2003 server. I have no problems uploading a file (i uploaded a 450MB file). I can download a file up to about 60MB in size and then I get the following errors when trying to download larger files (not that I don't even see a "save as" dialog so the download doesn't start on the client side):
IE6: No save as dialog is displayed. IE show the "The page cannot be displayed" page.
IE7: No save as dialog is displayed. IE show the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" page.
Firefox2: No save dialog is displayed. Firefox shows the "The connection was reset. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."
IIS httperr.log shows:
2007-01-31 22:06:53 4676 443 HTTP/1.1 GET /secure/SharedFilesDownload.aspx?pageid=14&fileid=65&mid=15 - 1 Connection_Dropped ASP.NET_2.0_Pool
There is nothing relevant in the Event Viewer.
While I try to download a file I notice the w3wp.exe process on the server increases its memory usage quite a bit. So, in SharedFilesDownload I changed Response.WriteFile() to Response.TransmitFile() which is not supposed to buffer a file in memory but I am still seeing the memory spikes.
I've look all over google but haven't encountered any good solutions. Everyone seems to recommend using Response.TransmitFile().