New server and the upload is not working anymore?

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10/1/2010 9:59:23 AM
Total Posts 65

New server and the upload is not working anymore?


We have tested the mojoportal for some time in a local server with IIS7 and MySQL and it has worked fine.

Now when we have moved the mojoportal site out on the real server we got problems with the upload. :

  1. Go to page where fileupload module is placed
  2. Press Add File and look for a local file(have tried everything from 100 kb to 10 MB)
  3. Press upload

The Progress window will now open and when its finished we are redirected the page with the following text :

We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.

The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page. 

Where can I find this log? I have checked the system log and the file download log but there is no information about this?

When I return to the filemodule page I can see my file and its size but if i try to download it the page will reload and the filmodule will be gone?


ed the p


10/1/2010 10:12:06 AM
Total Posts 18439
10/1/2010 11:34:53 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?


You will want to become familiar with the links Joe A. posted above. There are many things to consider when moving site from one server to another. The biggest items to consider are: 1) does your host require medium trust configuration, 2) do you have the permissions set properly on the \app_data and \data directories?

Joe D.




10/8/2010 8:43:28 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?


Yes I do know about these problems, I went through them when I configure mojoPortal localy and I got it to run by using :

appcmd set config "Default Web Site/MojoPortalDev" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:104857600 -commitpath:apphost

And then by running :

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd list config "Default Web Site/MojoPortalDev" -section:requestFiltering

I will get confirmation on the change.

When our host runs the first command(appcmd set config) it passes without any exception but when trying the second command they get the following exception in CMD :

appcmd list config " v2.0 (Classic)" -section:requestFiltering
ERROR ( message:Configuration error Filename: \\?\g:\webusers\32724\\www\web.config
Line Number: 1096
Description: The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read be cause it is missing a section declaration. )

We have got this exception before but that was when we first tried to run the MojoPortal at our host, by changeing the DefaultThreadPool from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 it worked fine.

One can think that even if the second command is not working the setting should be set, but the upload do still freeze when uploading files over 30 MB? Its possible to upload files that are a couple of MB but not files over 30 MB.

I have checked with the host and the site is running in full trust.

I have also set :

<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="size_in_bytes"></requestLimits>

But the documentation also states that the following might have to be set also :


I do however not find what exactly to set in this file? Our host have no clue.


10/14/2010 2:19:33 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?


We still got this problem, but I understand that it is most probably a setting in the server be course its runs fine on our local server.

I do however got a questions for you. Why is the maxUploadRate set to 300 and not the default -1? I see that when uploading files the max speed is around 300? Why not let it go faster?

It is possible to upload a file that is 18 MB but its not possible to upload a file that is 30+ MB? I do not get any exception, the upload screen just doesen´t start? Is this information that can help us pin down what limit that is the problem here?


10/14/2010 2:35:29 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?

Its possible to upload a file that is 26,8 MB but not a file that is 29,4 MB.


10/14/2010 9:34:19 AM
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Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?

Yesterday I happened to go over every entry in the appSetting section of web.config. There is a key MediaFolderMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes, which is set to 30 by default. That's awfully close to the cut-off value you're experiencing. I'd suggest overriding this with a larger value in user.config and see if it solves the problem. There are actually a number of related maximum size settings surrounding that in web.config, so you may want to experiment with those as well to get things working the way you need.


10/14/2010 11:14:57 AM
Total Posts 83

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?

Thanks! but the site works just fine on the local server, so I suppose that it is not a setting in MojoPortal but a setting on the server that are wrong?

10/21/2010 8:42:46 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: New server and the upload is not working anymore?


This is solved, the host reported that the setting was set to deny override in the host config file.


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