If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hi guys
I'm full of really odd questions recently, maybe I'm losing my touch.
Anyhoo... we've a site installed, skinned and looking sweet. The content updates fine etc etc and we're using the latest version of mojo.
Got a very very weird bug - we can update content as I say, but site settings just will not update. We get no error messages etc but if, for example, we change the skin - nothing happens!
Equally, when we change the company name etc, nothing.
I was wondering if something isn't writable that needs to be? Anyone come across this before?
If it helps, we can also add and manage users, change module settings etc.
my guess is it is updating but it is failing to clear the site settings cache so you still see the cached version
delete the file /Data/Sites/1/systemfiles/sitesettingscachedependency.config might solve it
Hi Joe
Thanks for that, tried it to no avail....
Still seemingly ignoring / not displaying the site settings changes....
did the file come back after you deleted it? It should re-appear after you save site settings, if it does not then the folder permissions are bad.
Yeah it sure did.... came back.
no errors in the log?
doesnt look like it no...
Sorry, I have no idea. I would make sure that the database is not low on disk space, but other than that I'm out of ideas.
Thanks for looking into it Joe, I'll have a dig around...