If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hi Joe,
I know I do not have all the settings for the PayPal standard processing but I can report a small step forward...
The PayPal button is now showing up once I have an item in the Cart...
A huge step forward for me... Now if I could figure out what the Config items that are left mean in PayPal talk???
I've updated the documentation here to make it a little more clear
Hope it helps,
You are a genius and I thank you for myself and everyone else who has had and will no longer have any trouble setting up a PayPal Standard account. All I have to do now is set up a buyers account so I can test my existing Sellers account and I am done... Very cool and simple directions.
The documentation you just created answered all my questions and more that I didn't get to. It really helped and you deserve a couple of bees for that. You saved my @(#U@.
Squire Dude
Thanks for the beers! Much appreciated!
Hey you deserve them. What with having the patience to put up my me and then to provide a great solution that not only helped me resolver my issues but will resolve issues for many other to come.