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If this is one of those RTFM things and I missed it reading the docs and forum entries please excuse me.
OS = Windows SBS-2008 & IIS-7 Latest version of mojoPortal artisteer-24verticalmenu2 skins with only the banner artwork modified.
Question: Is there a (hopefully easy) way to set thing up so that the panes scroll independently of each other?
Situation: On most pages I'm only using the center content pane. On one page I have the normal center content pane being used for the main content and the right content pane hosting a Google Map feature put their using the Add Content (features) options on the Edit Settings For This Page tool. Using the browser's "show source" feature I copied the javascript that updates the google map and plugged it into the very top of the center pane content like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> function UpdateMap(address) { var gmctl01_rightContent_ctl00_pnlMapCanvas = document.getElementById('ctl01_rightContent_ctl00_pnlMapCanvas'); if(gmctl01_rightContent_ctl00_pnlMapCanvas){showGMap(gmctl01_rightContent_ctl00_pnlMapCanvas, address,false,true,false,false,G_NORMAL_MAP,13);} } </script>
In the body of the center pane content I then put a one-line table with a button that calls the script:
<input onclick="UpdateMap('address_here')" type="button" value="MAP" />
The idea is to have all the retailers for our products listed in the center pane with a button for each that updates the google map in the right content pane. BUT, I don't want EITHER the right pane or the left side navigation buttons to scroll when the center pane needs to scroll.
How can I do this please?
BTW... I put the map script code in the original post just in case there is something there that may mess up allowing the panes to scroll independently. The map control code works just fine.
OK... figured it out. Just takes a brain dead addition of <div> and <overflow> to the cell I wanted to have scroll.
Can you post some example CSS showing how you did this? I'd appreciate it.
To see "how" it works visit my site at: http://www.chefnicks.com/retail-meat-seafood-markets.aspx
In this example I've put the style info for an "inline" style description. You can also put it in your sites CSS file.
<style type="text/css"> <!-- div.scroll { height: 200px; width: 420px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #666; background-color: #ccc; padding: 8px; } --> </style>
Then edit the content you want to have scrolling in the "source" view. Add the next line at the beginning of the stuff you want to have scroll:
<div class="scroll"> Stuff you want to have scrolling here.
Thanks, that's a nice CSS technique to have in the toolbox--I'll bet it will come in handy one day. You have a great looking site too, congrats!
Nice feature and a good looking site, thanks for posting, as Jamie says that will be a useful one for the toolbox