MSsql Server 2008
ASP.NET Mosso Cloud
I have reviewed as much documentation and forum posts as I could and it seems the subject has come up many times with varied causes.
Fortunately, Mosso provided a step by step on the install, coupled with your data, and 6 hours of troubleshooting, I got it up.
a.) data and app_data are set as 777, including subfolders and files.
b.) impersonate was completed
c.) I had to manually create sub folders as described in the forum, within the data folder.
... and misc. other items, like turning off custom error.
No edits outside instructions have been done.
The site appears to come up.
I am able to register a fresh account... but am looking for admin access.
Found that I should use, admin@admin.com admin does not login, in any way.
Password recovery states the user does not exist.
I logged into Mosso's DB manager tool and find the single user I registered by hand, but no record of an Admin Account.
Viewed another page of yours with a video, using sqlexpress and I noticed a db structure...
but in mine
security/login does not exist
I do have below security
users, roles, schemas, asymetric keys, certificates, symetric keys
Any help is greatly appreciated.
It seems to me the MSSql Installer may not be perfected.
I cleared the log file and ran the install twice to see If I could provide additional hints...
"2010-08-27 01:45:11,028 INFO mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application Started.
2010-08-27 01:45:11,059 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application_Start Could not register VirtualPathProvider, this error is expected when running in Medium trust or lower
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at mojoPortal.Web.Global.RegisterVirtualPathProvider()
at mojoPortal.Web.Global.Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
The action that failed was:
The type of the first permission that failed was:
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
Thank you,
Scott H Leonard