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I have an image gallery in the left hand pane of the home page of my website ( which is set up to use the silverlight slideshow.
I have added images to the image gallery, and when not set to use the silverlight slideshow the images are visible, when using the slideshow it just shows as a black square.
The system information is as follows:
mojoPortal Version MSSQL Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 ASP.NET Version v2.0.50727 Running in Full Trust Server Time Zone GMT Daylight Time Server Local Time (GMT 1) 01/08/2010 19:17:15 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT/UTC) 01/08/2010 18:17:15
Most likely issue is that your server is not configured with the correct mime types for serving silverlight. A search on configure IIS to serve silverlight should help you find the information you need.
Hope it helps,
I'm using Win 7 and it is already configured. The slideshow worked one time but then went black again. Could it be an issue with the Visual Studio test server environment?
I think I answered my own question. I was using web matrix and it was running the site from "My Sites", not from wwwroot. It works when you are actually running under IIS.