Hi Andy,
You can use lightbox if you prefer it over greybox. They both will work alongside of each other. Just follow the instructions on this page: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/#how.
You will want to upload the javascript files to /ClientScript and then include the javascript links in your layout.master after the <asp:ScriptManager control. Notice, you do not need the Prototype.js reference because that is already included in mojoPortal. Something like this:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" EnablePageMethods="true" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ClientScript/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ClientScript/lightbox.js"></script>
At this point, you need to add the CSS for lightbox to your site. Do this by:
Create a new directory at \data\style\lightbox
Create another new directory at \data\style\lightbox\images
Upload the lightbox images to \data\style\lightbox\images
Edit the lightbox.css file and replace all of the instances of ../images/ with images/
Upload the modified lightbox.css file to \data\style\lightbox
Add the following to the style.config file located in your skin directory
<file cssvpath="/Data/style/LightBox/lightbox.css" imagebasevpath="/Data/style/lightbox/">none</file>
Now, all you need to do is reference lightbox in your image:
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my caption">image #1</a>
Joe D.
P.S. I removed the "buy Joe a cup of Joe" link because the signature field has a character limit and I wanted to include the Community Manager badge. If you are interested in buying me a cup of joe, you can visit my site here: http://josephmdavis.com/buyjoecoffee-product.aspx