sql permission error

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7/19/2010 7:50:20 AM
Total Posts 7

sql permission error

Hi, i'm contacting you from portugal, can u help me out pls?

After installing everything like sugested, at the welcome page, an error is turning it dificult.

The system cannot connect to the database. I've tried everything at the script, but no luck.

Since i´m trying first to do some experiences using a MSSQL directly on my PC, can it be that it should be working on a diferento host or server or can i do some experiments both instalation of the portal and database at the same station?


7/19/2010 8:38:32 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: sql permission error


Make sure your database connection info is correct in your user.config file. It should look something like this:

<add key="MSSQLConnectionString" value="server=yourservername;UID=yourdatabaseusername;PWD=yourdatabaseuserpassword;database=yourdatabasename" />

You must open your web.config, add a space to the bottom and then save it again to get your application pool to reset so the user.config will be read again. You must do this each time you change your user.config to apply the changes immediately.

Joe D.

7/22/2010 5:21:11 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: sql permission error

Thk you, i've solved it out. PLs look my other post about IIS7 vs ASP 3.5.


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