Blog post url for OutBrain widget

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7/16/2010 10:33:29 PM
Total Posts 47

Blog post url for OutBrain widget

trying to embed's related article widget in 'BlogViewControl.ascx'

have to put blog post's permalink

	var OutbrainPermaLink = 'PERMA_LINK_HERE'; 


i tried using var OutbrainPermaLink = '<%= Request.Url.ToString()  %>'; 
which gives the following output and not the url which the browser window shows :(

var OutbrainPermaLink = 'http://localhost/ThCE/Blog/ViewPost.aspx?pageid=0&mid=1&ItemID=22'; 

how can we show the right url ?
thanks n regards, :)

7/17/2010 8:19:26 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog post url for OutBrain widget

In your code behind

protected string PostUrl = string.Empty;

in PopulateControls set this variable:

PostUrl = SiteRoot + blog.ItemUrl.Replace("~/", "/");

then you can use <%= PostUrl %>

Hope it helps,


ps the developer forum would have been a better place to ask this question

Note to other readers, I do not recommend modifying the mojoPortal source code, Nitin has cloned the blog which is the only recommended way for customizing a feature while keeping it possible to upgrade to new versions of mojoPortal.

7/19/2010 4:30:02 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: Blog post url for OutBrain widget

Thanks Joe :)

An embedded 'Related Articles' Feature in MojoPortal would be nice we could use either or OutBrain (now this post should have been in Feature request too hehe)

thanks n regards,


4/3/2012 7:20:50 PM
Total Posts 32

Re: Blog post url for OutBrain widget

Hi loginitin,

Did your solution works?

I'm trying to use LinkWithin.

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