Letting a specific role add users?

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7/8/2010 7:08:32 AM
Total Posts 65

Letting a specific role add users?


As far as I can see it is only the Administrator that handle users in the Administrator page. If I need a lesser role(own created) to be able to add user accounts under a specific role, how do I do this?

I suppose that there is no finish code for this ? Say that I create a usercontrol where it is possible to put in the accountinformation, is it then possible to use some built in method in MojoPortal to create the user or should my usercontrol do a call to the Mojo database without involving Mojo?


7/9/2010 1:58:27 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Letting a specific role add users?


Look under Administration > Site Settings > Security > Permissions

you will find a setting for Roles that can create users. Members of this role will see an "Add New User" link on the Member List page.

Hope it helps,


7/12/2010 3:49:46 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: Letting a specific role add users?

Okay, but how does roles come in to this? I can decide whitch roles that can create users, but how do I decide what roles these users will have? Its not a good idee to let this role(that can create userers) be able to set a user to example Administrator. I need to set that this role can only create users with a specific role, how do I do that?


7/12/2010 6:24:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Letting a specific role add users?

The user is created only with the "Authenticated Users" role.

The only users who can add a user to a role or change a users roles are members of Administrators or Role Administrators roles.

Hope it helps,


12/27/2010 10:21:39 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Letting a specific role add users?

Can I write a script to add a new user to the system?

I'd like to make a form and write a custom procedure to add them to the portal. Can I use mp_Users_Insert? If so, can I just generate a new guid for the user guid? and what about the EmailChangeGuid?



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