Forum subscriptions - more detail

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7/1/2010 10:07:02 AM
Total Posts 60

Forum subscriptions - more detail

I've been pathetic at responding to forum posts but I would like to contribute a bit more to the community.

I've subscribed to a number of the forums and so get loads of emails pouring in but, unless I'm at a very loose end (which never happens) I end up deleting most of them because I don't have time to follow them back into the forum, and there's often not enough detail in the description to see if it's of interest to me or something that I could respond on.

Something that would help me greatly (and I suspect many others) would be if the emails sent by the forum included the body of the forum message  as well as just the description - that way it'd be much easier to decide whether to jump into the forum or not.

One thing I've not played with much is the Mojo forum module but I notice that it has an "include Post Body in Notification" option - please could you tick that for us?



7/1/2010 2:16:58 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Forum subscriptions - more detail

Hi Ian,

Joe has enabled this, as you may have noticed. I knew the mojoPortal Forum module could do this but I never gave any thought to how much time it would save me if it was enabled for this site. I am loving it! Thanks for asking Joe to enable this feature and Joe, thanks for enabling it!

Joe D.

7/1/2010 2:44:36 PM
Total Posts 60

Re: Forum subscriptions - more detail

I hadn't spotted it but I have now!

Brilliant - thanks - glad I asked!


7/5/2010 7:11:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Forum subscriptions - more detail

Yes, this was a very good suggestion! I'm liking it myself. Next I need to add the username of the posting user to the message as well. Currently you don't know who asked the question without visiting the thread. I will do this for the next release.



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