Company Name setting not saved

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6/28/2010 12:21:00 PM
Total Posts 4

Company Name setting not saved


When you go to the Administration->Site Setting page and you change the Company Name. The page reloads and the company name is blank again and never saved. I realized that you use the SetExpandoProperty("CompanyName", value) method call to store the value, but the mp_SiteSettingsExDef table in the database does not have a record for this field, also the mp_SiteSettingsEx table does not have values for this field.

I noticed in the SiteSettings.cs file that there are several other properties that are saved in the same way but do not exist in the mp_SiteSettingsExDef table such as EnableWoopra field and site mail settings (SMTPUser, SMTPPort, etc.) that are used when EnableSiteSettingsSmtpSettings is set to true.

Operating System: Windows Server 2008

Database: SQL Azure

Version: not sure



6/29/2010 9:06:56 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Company Name setting not saved

Hi Youssef,

Thanks for the bug report. It is missing a few things in the scripts for SqlAzure.

I will fix this for the next release by adding this to the upgrade script.

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('CompanyName','Your Company Name','General', 100)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPUser','','SMTP', 100)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPPassword','','SMTP', 200)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPServer','localhost','SMTP', 300)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPPort','25','SMTP', 400)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPRequiresAuthentication','false','SMTP', 500)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPUseSsl','false','SMTP', 600)

INSERT INTO [mp_SiteSettingsExDef]([KeyName],[DefaultValue],[GroupName],[SortOrder])
VALUES('SMTPPreferredEncoding','','SMTP', 700)

You could fix your installation now by running this on your db, however if you do that you will need to remember to chop this out of the upgrade script on the next upgrade or it will create duplicates.

After running the script you would need to visit /Setup/Default.aspx and then the site settings should work.



6/29/2010 9:55:27 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: Company Name setting not saved

Thanks, this solved it.


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