Image Gallery Thumbnails

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6/24/2010 9:23:09 AM
Total Posts 1

Image Gallery Thumbnails

Hi Joe

When using Image Gallery, the first row of thumbnails is a bit off to the left in IE

Is there an easy CSS fix to this.

Thanks for a great product.


6/24/2010 9:10:21 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Image Gallery Thumbnails

Hi Joe,

I tested this out on the demo site and I can confirm that it is something that occurs in multiple skins. The problem is with the span which wraps the edit pencil but I think it all can be solved if you wrap each image, including the span that wraps the pencil, in their own classed divs. This will also fix an issue I've seen where the pencil is on the row below the image it is for. The class will make it easy to add things like borders to the images.

Joe D.

6/25/2010 6:52:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Gallery Thumbnails


The problem was that we were rendering the span regardless of whether the edit link inside the span was rendered, and the span also had a   (hard coded space) in it. I fixed it in my copy by making it not show the span if the link is not shown. It will be fixed in the next release.

The problem with wrapping divs around things is that divs are block elements and unless they were styled with display: inline or floated by css they would all flow down the page, so doing this would break the layout of all existing galleries unless the user added new css, so I would rather avoid that.



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