Web Parts...

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6/9/2010 7:50:56 AM
Total Posts 165

Web Parts...

Hey Joe,

I'm a little lost on what you are calling Web Parts, I was unable to locate informaiton within the documents for this section. 

Is this web parts like in SharePoint or ?



6/9/2010 8:06:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

Hi Mark,


ASP.NET WebParts are similar in concept to Sharepoint WebParts but not compatible. First introduced in .NET 2 around 2005, I was initially enthusiastic about WebParts and implemented the My Page feature and made it possible to expose site content as WebParts that can be used on MyPage. But ASP.NET WebParts never really caught on and there are no third party ASP.NET webparts like there for Sharepoint. My interest/enthusiasm for WebParts and the MyPage feature has since diminished given that they never caught on at large.



7/1/2011 9:26:05 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: Web Parts...

Dredging up this old post, I'm wondering if the consensus is still that web parts are a fading fad? I see stuff like iGoogle, MSN and Pageflakes but I don't really know how popular these web part site features really are. A couple of other questions I had were if anyone knows of a good example that illustrates some best practices for developing web parts for use in the mojoportal mypage feature. And also, it's my understanding that to have a feature on mypage that allows the user to set some property values, it needs to be a web part as opposed to a user control. User controls on mypage wouldn't really be configurable by the user. Is that correct?



7/4/2011 9:41:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

Hi John,

In my opinion ASP.NET WebParts has long since faded, thinking of it as having once been a fad is being very generous, I would say it never made it to being a fad at any time ever and is a dead end technology at this point. In the future I plan to move the MyPage feature our of mojoPortal core and not ship it by default, but I will still make it available to install for those who really want to use it.



7/4/2011 2:52:40 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: Web Parts...

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the reply. On that note, is there some kind of newer framework or technology for this kind of end user personalization that you know of? I would think there are a still developers that want to provide this kind of feature to their site users. It seems the web part concept is still pretty integral to Sharepoint, so I wouldn't think it's something the Microsoft is planning to throw away. But if there's a better replacement for the features you have on "MyPage", I'd sure be willing to look at it.

Thanks again,


7/7/2011 8:06:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

Hi John,

Sharepoint WebParts are similar in concept to ASP.NET WebParts but they are not  compatible. Sharepoint WebParts caught on but ASP.NET WebParts did not. There is a market for 3rd party Sharepoint WebParts but not for ASP.NET WebParts.

The My Page feature is still there if you want to use it, once I split it off from the core, then you could actually fork it and modify it as you see fit.

There are things out there that are similar such as the DropThings project, but I'm not sure about how easy it would be to integrate, it isn't something that interests me at the moment. It isn't using WebParts but it has similar drag and drop kind of thing similar to netvibes or MyYahoo or iGoogle.




7/7/2011 8:57:05 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: Web Parts...

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the input. I believe I will need to think hard about our strategy for the personalization stuff we want to do on the site. i don't think I'd want to make a big investment in asp.net webparts at this point if they're basically a dead end.

Thanks again,


8/22/2012 10:22:14 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Web Parts...

Hi Joe,

I was wondering how I could use MyPage feature? following the link I downloaded the file but I don't where exactly I should put it. 




8/23/2012 9:21:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

If you extract the zip you will see 2 folders dotnet35 and dotnet40, depending on which version of ASP.NET you are using you copy the contents of the wwwroot folder from below one of those folders into the root of your mojoPortal installation. Note that I said the "contents" of the wwwroot folder not the folder itself.

Then visit /Setup/Default.aspx

Hope that helps,


8/24/2012 2:12:20 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Web Parts...

Hi Joe,

Thanks a lot for your response. I could add the MyPage link on top. But when click on it I will get this error: " We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for. Please try the Site Map". I'm not sure what the source of the error could be. Could you help me?





8/24/2012 12:45:02 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

If the MyPage.aspx file does not exist in the root of your site then you did not install it correctly.

Hope that helps,


8/27/2012 7:45:58 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Web Parts...

Hi again,

Yes it is there, but still getting that error! why should all MyPage files be in the root level?





8/28/2012 9:40:24 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Web Parts...

The MyPage feature does not create any files on disk, the "pages" are virtual and are all served by the physical file MyPage.aspx which is expected to be in the root.

Hope that helps,


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