Advanced Report

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5/31/2010 10:07:30 AM
Total Posts 85

Advanced Report

Hi, I need list report ; same member list manage report. Who did what ? For example ; Who did download shared files ( sort by date, time and Which IP is used ) Who did accept e-mail and via accept link and mail address and accept date etc Who didn't accept mail ? ( i see memberpage person by person but i need total list report.   Best, Volkan PEKGOZEGU
6/1/2010 7:49:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Advanced Report

Hi Volkan,

Regarding membership, I consider this a feature request. I also could use a way to find users who have not yet validated email or whose account is locked. I will try to get to this in the near future.

I don't have plans at the moment to implement reports for the Shared Files feature. It currently tracks how many times a file is downloaded but it does not track ip address or dates (though this data is perhaps captured in the web server logs), it just increments a count, we don't store a record of individual downloads in shared files. Maybe someday I will make a Shared Files Pro product with more advanced features.



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