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I signed up for IntenseDebate and registered my new mojoportal site.
In my mojoportal site under Administration, Site Settings, API Keys is an input box for "IntenseDebate Account Id"
My account on the IntenseDebate site shows a site key, a site id and a site acct (that look almost like this):
IntenseDebate site key: G1xQV6I2pZdtXXX00UGc IntenseDebate site id: 180006 IntenseDebate site acct: fXXX37237469025f63d17d847d19dc75
I also have a user key there, which is (almost):
User Key: nlANW0mBgXXXJ31jYRL0J
Do I use the one that is labeled "site acct" there, in my mojoportalsite?
yes, site acct looks like the right one to me