Most of it comes from the fact that we frequently upgrade versions of the javascript wysiwyg editors CKeditor, TinyMCE, and FCKeditor and these have lots of files. We never delete files, so the older versions stay on disk unless you delete them. But this also means if you encounter problems with a new version of the editor, you can easily go back to the previous version. For example currently we have these config settings in Web.config:
<add key="FCKeditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/fckeditor266/"/>
<add key="CKEditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/ckeditor321/"/>
<add key="TinyMCE:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/tiny_mce327/"/>
so we are pointing to version specific folders and as a new version is included it will land in a new folder and not overwrite or delete previous versions, so this setting could be set in user.config to an older version if you needed to. As an example we had upgraded to the 3.3.x version of TinyMCE a few versions ago but later reverted back to version 3.2.7 due to bug reports that came in about the paste as text and paste from word features in TinyMCE.
You could delete some of the older versions, but one thing to be aware of is that until recent versions of mojoPortal the emoticons aka smilies used in the editors came from sub folders beneath the editors, so if you have used those and then delete the editors you may have missing emoticons/smilies in your content. You could delete most of the files but find the folders with the icons and leave them there. In a recent release, we moved the emoticons to a common folder outside of the editors so that we can avoid that problem going forward.
There were also several new skins added in recent versions for use as starting points for Artisteer templates, so this also added some files but the editors account for most of it.
Hope it helps,