500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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4/15/2010 1:08:22 AM
Total Posts 19

500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Firstly, with my special thanks to Joe!

I can get it install on my own local machine with a local copy of SQL Server Express. Now I'm trying to get it installed and running on GoDaddy.com, but I encountered an Server Error after installing mojoPortal I contacted GoDaddy.com and was told, it's caused by web.config. After reading a lot of posts here and there, I still can't get it resolved, please anyone here can help me, thanks in advance. my website is www.EV-ChargeChina.com

  • Hosting Environment and Packages:GoDaddy Delux Windows Hosting 
  1. MySql Database and mojoportal-2-3-4-1mysqldatalayer-GPL package
  2. mojoportal-2-3-4-1-mssql-deploymentfiles
4/15/2010 1:26:14 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Firstly, with my special thanks to Joe!

I can get it install on my own local machine with a local copy of SQL Server Express. Now I'm trying to get it installed and running on GoDaddy.com, but I encountered an Server Error after installing mojoPortal I contacted GoDaddy.com and was told, it's caused by web.config. After reading a lot of posts here and there, I still can't get it resolved, please anyone here can help me, thanks in advance. my website is www.EV-ChargeChina.com

Hosting Environment and Packages:

  1. GoDaddy Delux Windows Hosting, IIS 7.0 .Net 2.0/3.0/3.5  
  2. MySql Database and mojoportal-2-3-4-1-mysqldatalayer-GPL package
  3. mojoportal-2-3-4-1-mssql-deploymentfiles

Installing steps:

  1. Uploading unzipped mojoportal-2-3-4-1-mssql-deploymentfiles to www.EV-ChargeChina.com virtual root directory.
  2. Unzip mojoportal-2-3-4-1-mysqldatalayer-GPL, copy the dll files into bin folder and copy the contents of the Setup folder into Setup folder according to the readme.txt in the package.
  3. Login to GoDaddy hosting account and set ClientScript, Data, App_Data and Setup folders to have Read and Write permissions, as well, and all sub folders inherit from these folders.
  4. Rename web.config to web.fulltrust.conf and rename web.mediumtrust.config to web.config
  5. Set MySqlConnectionString correctly then.
  6. Set SMTP Mail setup:
    <add key="DisableDotNetOpenMail" value="false" />
    <add key="SMTPServer" value="relay-hosting.secureserver.net" />
    <add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="false" />
    <add key="SMTPUseSsl" value="false" />
    <add key="SMTPPort" value="25" />
    <add key="SMTPUser" value="" />
    <add key="SMTPPassword" value="" />
    <add key="SMTPTimeoutInMilliseconds" value="15000" />
  7. Visit www.EV-ChargeChina.com/Setup/Default.aspx, an 500 - Internal Server Error displayed!!!

Sorry for my bad English!

4/15/2010 1:28:31 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Meanwhile, I have read the following posts and still can't get it run!




4/15/2010 6:28:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy


I just patched a medium trust issue in the release as discussed on this thread.

Hopefully that will get you going. Getting MySql working under medium trust can be problematic because it requires the host to have the correct version of MySql Connector installed in the GAC, so there is potential you may still have troubles, but there was another issue that definitely would have caused this error and that is now fixed so perhaps you will have good luck.

Hope it helps,


4/16/2010 7:43:55 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Thanks Joe for your quick response!

After searching some articles online, I finally found this 500 - Internal Server Error was caused by GoDaddy hosting environment. The root problem is that I set up multiple websites on my GoDaddy Windows Deluxe hosting account, and site1 website was set up under an separate folder, and my root folder is running my another website site2. Seems the web.config file in root folder will affect the websites running under sub-folder and eventually caused the 500 - Internal Server Error. I tried it after removing this web.config file from root folder, then site1 website works like a charm! but my site1 can't work any more. So I'm trying to move my primary website site1 from root folder to sub-folder like site2 and leave nothing under root. Which maybe the only solution to get multiple websites running on one GoDaddy Windows deluxs hosting account. I will upate to you later to see if it works.




4/16/2010 7:46:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy


There are ways of mitigating web.config conflicts such as this. The article linked from here may help you:


Hope it helps,


4/16/2010 7:55:14 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Thank you very very much, Joe! I will check it soon. and Hope I can make my primary website works.

Best Regards!

4/18/2010 3:36:48 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Dear Joe!

I am so glad to let you know, with your great and warmful help, finally I get it resolved. Right now, both my primary website are running up. Seems it has to wrap both system.web section and system.webServer section into <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> section. It does not work just wrap system.web section. Now my web.config file under root/parent director looks like as below:

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">






I found another article regarding web.config conflict issue at here


Well, thanks for your time and thank you again! Now I will spend some time to learn mojoPortal to set up a nice website as others did!!!

Best Regards!


5/18/2010 9:46:03 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Dear Joe,

Would you please help me to delete my primary domain name in the above posts? Beacuase I was blamed by someone that my purpose was to promote my primary website described in the above posts. Actually I don't want, that's my mistake!!!

Thanks in advance and Best Regards!


5/19/2010 5:17:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy


I've removed the links/urls from your posts. You should see a pencil icon next to your posts that allows editing.



5/19/2010 9:06:01 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Thank you very much Joe for your continued support and help! As well as I just noticed that pencil icon for editing.

Best Regards!

5/27/2010 10:14:16 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Hello Joe, it seems that the pencil icon for editing got disappeared again, I am not sure if this is a bug or not, just let you know it. Thanks again!

5/28/2010 7:44:26 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy


What web browser and version are you using? There was an issue under IE 7 but it is fixed now in my testing.



5/28/2010 9:52:54 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Hello Joe, I found it works well with my laptop ( Win7 home basic edition and IE8 ), and I noticed the pencil icon got disappeared with my office PC( WinXP SP3 with IE6 ) this afternoon, that's why last time I did not find the pencil icon and ask for you help to modify my posts here. I will try it again from my office PC next monday.

Best Wishes!

5/28/2010 9:57:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy


The trick to solve it is to add this to the IE7Specific.css (or style.ie.css if using an Artisteer skin)

.forumEdit, .threadEdit, .postEdit { display: inline-block; }

Hope it helps,


5/28/2010 10:03:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

For IE6 you may try the same thing in IESpecific.css or style.ie6.css, I have not tested the solution on IE 6 so let me know, I've only tested under IE 7.



5/29/2010 9:21:07 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Hello Joe,

I am using my home PC ( WinXP Home Edition version 2002 SP2 with IE6 SP2 ) now, the pencil icon is there correctly. I will try it again with my office PC next Monday and let you know the result then.

Best Regards!

5/30/2010 9:05:18 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: 500 Internal Server Error when installing mojoPortal with GoDaddy

Hello Joe, right now, I am using my office PC( WinXP professonal SP3 + IE6 SP3 ), seems it works well! I guess this issue happened with my original WinXP system! Last weekend, the local IT team helped me to re-install my PC system, I can't re-produce this issue again with my office pc now. So just ignore it. Thanks!

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