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I believe I found a security problem, but it could be a configuration issue?
I have a blog feature on the homepage - The security is restricted to certain roles. Also, the blog feature is set to be hidden from anonymous guests.
The blog is properly hidden from view on the home-page, but if I know the URL of the blog entry directly, I can browse to it anonymously and view the entire entry.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the bug report, only wish I had known in time for this release. I've fixed it but it will have to wait for the next release.
I imagine this is just a single DLL that needs redeploying. Can you just slip me that one dll?
Note: I wouldn't "expect" (it's free, what's expect??) anyway, I wouldn't expect such a thing to be supported.
I just patched the release with this fix. All you need is the new mojoPortal.Features.UI.dll and mojoPortal.Web.dll
Hope it helps,
Nice! Thanks Joe. Works great!