General field of module

This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal. 

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3/31/2010 3:01:10 PM
Total Posts 111
Matt Millican InternetMill

Re: General field of module

I'm not sure that the line "you can not become rich by working independently" is true at all.  there are many entrepreneurs out there who have been very successful by working independent. Not to say that you can't become rich by working as a team, but you can become rich by working alone as well.

3/31/2010 3:05:31 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: General field of module

I did not set out to become rich, my personal goal is to build a successful family business doing what I love, I'm not trying to conquer the world.

3/31/2010 3:10:22 PM
Total Posts 111
Matt Millican InternetMill

Re: General field of module

I think better yet, you're doing something you love! :) (or at least from what I can tell, it's something you love).

To me, software/web application development is something that I love doing because it's challenging and rewarding.  I love getting that sense of accomplishment when I figure out a glitch, or develop an entire solution for a client.

Keep up the great work, Joe! :)

3/31/2010 3:11:58 PM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: General field of module

I did not set out to become rich, my personal goal is to build a successful family business doing what I love, I'm not trying to conquer the world.

Each has its own road to happiness. I became a little better than you understand. And therefore to understand the future of mojoportal.

3/31/2010 3:46:24 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: General field of module

Dear Sky Sandy,

I am really wondered about the discussion you've started here. All these "you can't be reach if you're working along" is the misunderstanding of the really perfect and prowen way which is used for the Mojo feature. (imho)

Honestly, I could say what I see a greate progress with the Mojo during last years. Several years ago I was missed the Mojo but I've changed my opinion at the end of 2009. Really good progress and strong results which are impressive.

Between us, Sandy, you're from the Russia ( and me too :) and you know what you will be rich only if your father has a pipeline!

Joe, It was really interesting to know what a lot of wonder code came from the community. It's another big plus to Mojo.

Joe, thanks for your work and Good Luck to Mojo!



4/1/2010 2:56:04 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: General field of module

My concern is not only about the wealthiness of Joe. That is his right to develop business on mojoportal or not and how to develop it. I think about something else. How those users that are well studied mojoportal, can earn money (including me).

Potential users of any system are: 1.Corporate users, 2.Users or small firms, which make a site for money, 3.Independently created a website for yourself or your business. At the moment the actual users of the system are the users of the 3rd group. Accordingly, earn big money on the knowledge of the system for a programmer or designer is not possible. For example say, in recent versions included support Artisteer. And there was much enthusiastic cries of this. And as a result: user installs the system, buy Artisteer and he does not need services programmer and designer. This means the inclusion of support Artisteer is a huge blow to programmers and designers. That means professionals can not make money on the knowledge of mojoportal.

That's what I decided. I spent a lot of time learning the system and correct errors. Fixed almost all bugs. now I have information only about 3 errors, which I do not have time to write Joe. Since November 2009 when I began to engage the system I wrote to Joe more than 20 errors. I do not think one person on the forum did not find errors in the system longer than I do. For the 4 months I have made 51 site and taught over 100 content administrators. I also wrote brochure (80 pages) for Administrators of content . Yesterday I took the copies from typography. 200 copies. Therefore, it would be foolish to abandon the system completely and move to another.

But, as I said above, I can not make money on knowledge of the system, so in the future I will not put efforts into the system (only to correct the terrible mistakes), and redirect my energies
to the study of other CMS systems. Where is the knowledge brought by money.

I hope my thoughts were not funny.

Best regards, Alexander

4/1/2010 5:50:20 AM
Total Posts 70

Re: General field of module

Sorry for my imho but I think what I see the situation clear ang I have a few words for Sandy:

1. Dear Sandy please stop trolling. You're jumping fast from one problem to another problem and woila - we could see the final problem: You are affraid what you will not be able to make the money with Mojo.. Is this the final problem or maybe you have 5-7 problems more?

2. The work in community, like the friendship and like the private business, takes the efforts and learning as well as all other in our life if we're trying to be the professional. Sandy, you've choosed wrong way to intiate the discussion about the Mojo and business. OK, that is my humble opinion. There are thousands another but right ways to initiate such a discussion in a correct mutually beneficial way. Do you understand me?

3. imho, as I could see, you're a good guy and good programmer, but you're not the head of the office here. Is it clear?

4. As a good programmer and manager you're setup 52 sites with Mojo and prepared for about 100 content admins. Really good for you and for Mojo! Please, tell me: Is all that been done for free?? Without any payment for you?? If yes, not the Mojo, but you have wrong business strategy!! Is it clear?

5. Sandy,take a little rest! And actually Good Luck for you and for you work for Mojo!

That's my humble personal imho and sorry for my broken english.

Regards, Igor.

4/1/2010 1:57:53 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: General field of module

Hello All,

As one of the most active community members, I feel like I must share my thoughts on this matter.

Alexander, you have reported many bugs to Joe and he has fixed all of them that have been verified. You reported most of these bugs as if they were going to cause mojoPortal to be completely unusable despite the fact that they were very obscure and had a very low probability of user experience issues.

The way you post your feature requests and bug fixes is often offensive because you act as if mojoPortal is piece of junk that you are saving from certain doom.

Remember that Joe Audette has fostered the development of a very nice platform. Many people have contributed time and money to this project, not because they think it is piece of junk that needs their help. They do it because they think it is a great product and they WANT to help and they can see themselves making a profit as mojoPortal grows in popularity. Many of the nicest features of mojoPortal were developed by 3rd parties and then donated to the community. Joe already listed them and I think to accuse Joe of not fostering development is a very big mistake.

I was a little worried about the addition of Artisteer support and I even had a conversation with Joe about my concerns. Not that I was trying to change his mind or that I even could have changed his mind. His goal is to make mojoPortal popular and through that popularity he will be able to make a living and others (like me) will be able to make a living as consultants. I looked into Artisteer and the systems that can use Artisteer skins. I don't believe the people who make a business by designing skins for the other CMSes of the world have lost money by the advent of Artisteer. Yes, some people will decide to purchase Artisteer and build a mojoPortal skin for their site using it but I know none of my customers would do that because they don't know anything about building websites and they don't pretend to know. They would rather have all of that stuff handled by me because they want someone they can rely on for support of the design and clicking a help button in a program is not their idea of support. Futhermore, the inclusion of Artisteer support does not hurt any mojoPortal developer because you can't develop features in Artisteer.

Also, on the developer front, there are a lot of people who have developed features for mojoPortal and sold them to their clients or kept them for their own projects. For various reasons they haven't submitted them to Joe for inclusion in mojoPortal. I believe the biggest reason for this is people do not have the time or resources to support a feature for thousands of people. They develop their features to meet a specific need and that pretty much covers it. Developing a full feature to be downloaded by the masses takes a lot more work and a lot of planning.

I do hope you continue to use mojoPortal and I thank you for your contributions but please remember that your contributions do not give you the right to demand changes be made to mojoPortal. You can request changes but demands are a completely different story.

I say all of this with as much respect as possible. Constructive Criticism is very important to the success of a project but continued antagonization of the one person who strives day in and day out to give us all a FREE solution (that many of us make money with) is not constructive.

Take care,
Joe D.

4/1/2010 5:31:40 PM
Total Posts 1203
Proud member of the mojoPortal team

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Add-on modules

Re: General field of module

My $.02 is that I spent several months installing and evaluating over a dozen open source CMSs for our organization, both LAMP and .Net-based (we are basically one of Alexander's "#1" user type).  I actually lucked into finding mojoPortal through the Microsoft Web Platform Installer, and late into the eval process at that. Within an hour of using it I knew that mojoPortal was the one that would fit us best. As far as I'm concerned, there are no open source CMSs out there that can match the out-of-the-box ease of use, depth and richness of features, and ease of extensibility that mojoPortal has. Alexander, my firm belief is that you can search but you won't find a better overall open source CMS out there, and certainly not on the Microsoft platform.

Artisteer support can never replace graphic artists, just as photography did not replace painters. The average Artisteer user is going to create a look that's the equivalent of a snapshot, while a seasoned graphic designer like Joe D. can now use Artisteer as the launching point to make a masterpiece. Crafting a truly unique Web identity for a client is an art, and it can't be done properly by just relying on a canned program. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable at CSS, and even I recognize there are quite a few things that Artisteer can't do out of the box... Things like making the horizontal menu appear to partially bisect the header, or graphics appearing to break out of the header. What about animations? The list is endless.

Now if on the other hand your design skill level does not let you create richer and more compelling skins than a novice wielding Artisteer, that should be a signal that it's time to take your game to the next level. Clients should come to you for true value, excellent service, and unique designs; not because it's too difficult to modify CSS.

Joe, please don't let negativity get you down. You are on the right track with this product, and I know that mojoPortal will achieve great success in the future.


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