Hi Alexander,
My philosophy is that more settings == less user friendly and we need to be very judicious about adding setting in the UI to keep things as simple as possible.
OverrideDomain is a setting that most people will never need, you are the only one using it as far as I know. If it would help you I am willing to add a Web.config setting so you can make it global across sites but I do not want to add it to site settings.
BeginYear is a setting that typically will never change therefore adding it to the UI is just making an extra setting that adds clutter to the UI. It can be set easily on layout.master and once set will probably never need to be changed. So again, I do not feel this setting merits its own place in the UI. The CopyrightControl is purely optional to begin with and was only added as a slight convenience because it is better than hard coding it and having toupdate the end year every year.