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Sir Joe,
I followed the detailed steps in using mojo site at private networks but my jquery is not yet working.
Im editing the web.config instead of the user.config.sample. If I use the UseGoogleCDN, its working great.
operating system: xp pro
database platform: sql server 2005
What version of mojoPortal: mojoportal-2-3-3-4-b-mssql-deploymentfiles
THanks in advance!
You need to view the source of the rendered page and see what is wrong with the path (ie the url for the script) and adjust the config settings to correct the path.
Hope it helps,
I found the solution. I had to incldue the folders named themes, external and ui under the development bundle in the jquery-ui-custom.
and put it on \ClientScript\jqueryui...
Thank you