Hi Hanzie,
The problem is that your local code updated the database schema to the new version but the code running on your real site is not the same version so it expects the legacy field rather than the new field. There are other problems that will be caused by this approach as well, like if you edit content from your local machine it will not update the search index on the remote machine and if you add images from local they will not exist on production. It is best to use separate copy of the db on your dev machine. What I do is periodically get a backup from production and restore it on my local machine for testing.
Since you are using svn your local machine has newer code than any official release. To fix your site, now what you need to learn is how to produce your own deployment package using UnleashIt, then upgrade your site with the new package. Be careful not to overwrite the user.config file on your production site with the one from your local machine.
Hope it helps,