Missing KEY icon link to Administration menu

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1/25/2010 4:51:16 PM
Total Posts 11

Missing KEY icon link to Administration menu

Windows Server 2003/SQL Server 2000  Database: MS SQL  Version mojoportal 2-3-3-2 source code

Logging into admin@admin.com with psswd:admin

I am redirected back to the Home page. There is no link to the Administration menu.

Checking the system log the error reads:

Syntax error or policy file "C:\ProgramFiles\AppleSoftwareUpdate\Plugtins\EXEinstallPlugin.dll.Manifest"

on line 2

Reference error message: The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors

Syntax error or policy file "C:\ProgramFiles\AppleSoftwareUpdate\Plugtins\EXEinstallPlugin.dll.Manifest"

on line 2

The required attribute version is missing from element assemblyIdentity

Any advise is appreciated ... Thanxs in advance !





1/26/2010 11:39:46 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Missing KEY icon link to Administration menu


Switching from from forms authentication(internet) to windows authentication(intranet) as per the instructions in the web config file the home page shows me signed in as Grimoire\Administrator although I signed in as admin@admin.com.

There still is no icon key to link to the administrators menu or a logout link either .

My guess is this is still a authenication issue...

1/26/2010 11:46:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Missing KEY icon link to Administration menu

You need to change the admin User ID to Grimoire\Administrator before you change to windows authentication, otherwise Grimoire\Administrator is not an administrator and won't see the icon.

Change it back to forms then go to member list find your admin user and click manage and then change the user id to Grimoire\Administrator

Then when you change to windows you will still be an administrator. Even when using windows authentication the roles are still managed in mojoportal it does not use windows roles.

Hope it helps,


1/26/2010 1:32:14 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: Missing KEY icon link to Administration menu


Sooo who needs an icon key!

Somehow I was able to login as admin@admin.com

Changed the password and name and now am able to see the administration menu. There was no key icon link. I was directed straight to the administrators menu.

Apparantly I reset my settings for a internet setup vs. a intranet setup. So right now I am using forms authenication instead of windows authentication which is used for intranets !~


Sooo who needs an icon key...   Did I say that outloud ?

Thanks a again Joe.

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