Couple of how to questions

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1/20/2010 8:36:46 PM
Total Posts 5

Couple of how to questions

Hello. I apologize if these questions are answered in other posts or in the documentation. I did search there first.

I have heard good things about mojoPortal and am now evaluating for use in an upcoming project. The project is a community site built around shared interests. Each member will have a 'my page' with a predefined look. A member can create one or more blogs, create one or more linked lists, one or more image galleries, and participate in forums etc..

My questions are:
1) Is the registration information (personalization items) query-able from a custom module via sql? (Edit: Yes I found the table mp_Users) And If not is there an event that can be captured after registration to redirect the new member to an 'additional information' custom module? (Edit: Yes I found App settings key PageToRedirectToAfterSignIn in Web.config)  Edit: Now I wonder is there a setup configuration to define the registration data columns in the mp_Users table? 

2) Is there a recommended approach to adding tables to the database to support custom modules (same database vs other database, naming conventions, etc.) in a manner that will not conflict with future releases?  Edit: Am I correct that if the added tables are not prefixed with mo_ or ws_ then they are safe in an update?

3) Is there a way to create a 'my page' that has a predefined layout that includes predefined components? Where the components and layout cannot be changed by the member? And where additional and personalize-able pages (tabs) can be added?

4) How would I allow a member to add a predefined page (like a blog page) to a collection of their blog pages? Is there a module or would it need to be a custom module?

5)Is there a module to list forum posts|blog entries|photo galleries|pages by a member?

6) Is there URL routing or a way to setup the member pages so that the url looks like
http://domain/membername ==> member's 'my page'
http://domain/membername/blog1 ==> members blog1 page
http://domain/membername/blog1/blog_entry_name ==> blog entry


where membername, blog, and gallery are from the database?

Edit: noticed the app settings key AllowChangingFriendlyUrlPattern in Web.config but doesn't look like that will work by its self in Windows.

Thank you for your time.

2/2/2010 4:37:49 PM
Total Posts 39

Re: Couple of how to questions


I am starting out with Mojo portal and am wanting to do similar things to you.  Have you had any progress?

One way to get started might be to debug through existing modules. I was thinking the Blog module might be good because it could show how to deal with fixed layout but flexible content (as you require for the mypage)

5) I totally want a module like that! I asked a question about using a module like that for blogs and was suggested that I use a Feed Reader module. This worked fine but I would like to be able to have more control of the filtering of what is displayed.

6) URL routing is discussed in the context of SEO,

I am planning to use a convention of including the top level menu in the name to avoid duplicate names

eg: product-overview.aspx  services-overview.aspx


It might also be better to ask one forum question at a time with a subject that reflected the question. I just happened to open this and found that you were describing something similar to my requirements.

2/2/2010 6:23:18 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Couple of how to questions

Hi Leah

No not much progress. I have been tracing through the code trying to figure out if my requirements can be built by configuration and compromise.  Lacking some helpful guidance - I believe most of the requirements need custom code.  Hopefully someone will speak up if that is not the case or if i misunderstand the documentation.

3,4,5) appear to be custom code. 

6) creating domain/membername/blogname is not doable unless I have control of IIS server or there is a directory for each non suffixed (.aspx, etc.) resource.  I do believe that domain/membername.aspx and domain/membername/blognanme.aspx can be achieved via custom code and stored procedures.

Sorry that is not much help.  You are probably right about asking too many questions in a broad sweep.  But with 50 views, had hoped someone knew more that me.

2/3/2010 11:14:29 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Couple of how to questions


I hope I can answer your questions. Sorry no one has responded thus far.

  1. Take a look at the User Profile Configuration documentation. I think it will answer your questions.
  2. You are correct, all you really need to do is prefix your customizations with something unique.
  3. Have a look at the MyPage Feature documentation.
  4. I think this would be a custom feature but I am not sure I fully understand your question. Do you want members to be able to add an existing blog page to their MyPage or do you want them to be able to add a new page to the site with a blog (or other content) already on it? If it is the latter, you will difinitely need a custom module as we do not yet have Page Templates in mojoPortal.
  5. There is not currently a module for this. You should request it in the Feature Requests forum as I think it is a great idea.
  6. mojoPortal does have a built-in URL rewrite facility but it doesn't do everything you are asking. You may be able to accomplish your tasks by building on top of the current mojoPortal rewriter.

Joe D.

2/5/2010 12:13:15 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Couple of how to questions

Joe thanks for the help.

4) the idea is that when a user registers they get a home page (domain/membername) and they can create several blogs (domain/membername/blogname) and galleries (domain/membername/galleryname).  I was hoping I could configure (predefine the web part contents) 'MyPage' to use as their 'home page'.  So on the first tab the content would be fixed but they could add as many additional tabs as they wanted and have normal control over those additional tabs.  But it looks like there is no role based configuration on the portal parts, so it will need to be a custom coding effort.

6)  I have looked a bit at the URL rewriting.  I will try to implement domain/membername.aspx and domain/membername/blogname.aspx  first and then take a look if the rewriting can be wrapped in a url router for all .aspx resources. 

again thanks for your help.

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