Upgrade newsletters to use mojo CMS.

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1/13/2010 1:55:37 PM
Total Posts 131

Upgrade newsletters to use mojo CMS.

I'd like the newsletter feature to be updated to use the core mojoPortal CMS functionality. What I mean is, the ability to create a newsletter that consists of a template and modules. These modules could then be user specific at run time.

So basically, when I want to create a newletter, it's the same functionality as creating a new page.

Then the ability to generate the newsletter with inline styles based on CSS.

Then a scheduler.

The create a new newsletter should be somewhat straightforward as it uses all existing functionality (although ideally you would be able to assign a different master template as you wouldn't want site nav necessarily), but instead of rendering for a web page, you render as a string that can be used through a class.

I'm going to start thinking about how this could be done. Any thoughts are appreciated.

1/13/2010 2:06:15 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Upgrade newsletters to use mojo CMS.

Hi David,

My thoughts are it is a nice idea but I think it is not really feasible given the limitations of email.

Of course I leave open the possibility that you are more clever than me ;-)



1/13/2010 2:07:51 PM
Total Posts 131

a) Re: Upgrade newsletters to use mojo CMS.

ok, so one approach could be:

1) Create a master page for newletters

2) Use the standard 'Add Page' Functionality to create the page layout

3) Write a class that assigns the new page master, calls the page via

   a) An HTTPWebRequest (how I know how to do it)

   b) calling a .net render function (much more efficient, but don't know how)

4) save the output as a string and save to the newsletter table.

This just gives you a nice template, but does not allow you to run the newsletters dynamically in the context of a specfic user. Will have to work on that one.

Going to continue to noodle this.

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