Page tree stucture

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11/23/2009 8:27:54 PM
Total Posts 69

Page tree stucture

Is it possible to have a page at the root (i.e. library) with two child pages (i.e. charts, and vidoes) in which when you select the root page (i.e. library), when the site goes to the page, the first child page is automatically selected?  I really don't have anything I want to put on the root page of library, but I want to have the charts page shown when a user selects library?

11/24/2009 8:37:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Page tree stucture

Hi Bryan,

I just created this document to explain how to do it.

Hope it helps,


11/24/2009 8:47:00 AM
Total Posts 69

Re: Page tree stucture


Thanks Joe!

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