Hi Jamie,
fyi, if you get the latest code, it is possible to force mobile devices to use a specific skin by config settings:
<add key="UseMobileSpecificSkin" value="true" />
<add key="MobilePhoneSkin" value="mobile1" />
<add key="MobilePhoneUserAgents" value="iphone,android" />
so it is possible to experiment with designing a skin for mobile phones, the MobilePhoneSkin must be the name of a skin in your site specific skin folder but since it is a config setting it is not site specific it will affect all sites so other sites would need a skin with the same name, if anyone comes up with a skin that really is nicer for mobile then I could promote those settings to site settings but for now it works at least for testing and for single site installations.
If you want to make your web browser use the mobile skin you could edit the MobilePhoneUserAgents, for example to make it use the mobile skin in Chrome for dev/testing purposes you could append ,webkit to the MobilePhoneUserAgents setting.
I think making a skin where the column layout is removed and the sections divCenter, divLeft, divRight just flow down the page would be a little better and there are probably other things that could be done as well.