How to remove padding or space in Menu Item

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8/12/2006 10:32:41 PM
Total Posts 23

How to remove padding or space in Menu Item

I suck at CSS. so, I kind of have trouble when trying to customize the portal skin. I switch the default theme to use the one with Horizonal menu, but there is a problem: there is at least 5 px padding left and right, so how can I remove those padding?


Thank in advance

8/13/2006 6:11:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to remove padding or space in Menu Item

I'm not the best at css either, its usually trial and error for me but if you tell me which skin you are using as your starting point and a liitle more detail about where the padding is I'll take a look at the css and try and find the right setting for you.
More specifically I mean are you talking about padding for the menu as a whole or within a menu item cell?

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