Hi Fedor,
I've never seen that error before but it sounds like an error connecting to your db.
Are you sure your connection string is correct?
If you drop the tables and re-create them you do need to update your web.config, just type a space in it ands save it and upload it.
The reason is that any change to the web.config will cause the application to restart and you need this to happen becuase you have no data.
In the Application_Start event mojoportal will look and see if there are any rows in the mp_Sites table and if no rows are there it will try and create the default site data. So if you dropped all your tables you have no data and you need to make this event fire in order to get default data back.
Eventually the app will time out and restart on its own but making any change at all to your web.config will force it to happen right away.
Of course you should not need to do any of this to upload a new skin. If you upload a new skin, its best not to overwrite your old one, just use a different skin name then you can test to make sure it will work before setting it to use the skin in SiteSettings.
You can test a skin with http://yoursiteurl/Default.aspx?skin=yourskinname
Then if you are sure there are no errors caused by your skin go into site settings and make it the active skin.
For example:
Hope it helps,