Newsletter function

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10/31/2009 5:48:03 AM
Total Posts 20

Newsletter function


I'm having trouble with the newsletter function.

The newsletter is just not send. It just stays in the task queue.

Any ideas?


Jacob :o)

Here's what the log says:

2009-10-31 11:36:13,015 INFO mojoPortal.Web.Global - Global.asax.cs Application_End

2009-10-31 11:36:18,328 INFO mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application Started.

2009-10-31 11:36:19,453 INFO mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - deserialized WebTaskManager task

2009-10-31 11:36:19,468 INFO mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - Queued WebTaskManager on a new thread

2009-10-31 11:37:35,234 INFO mojoPortal.Web.LetterSendTask - deserialized LetterSendTask task

2009-10-31 11:37:35,234 INFO mojoPortal.Web.LetterSendTask - Queued LetterSendTask on a new thread

2009-10-31 11:39:22,046 INFO mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application Started.

2009-10-31 11:39:23,078 INFO mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - deserialized WebTaskManager task

2009-10-31 11:39:23,078 INFO mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - Queued WebTaskManager on a new thread

Here's the task queue:

Task Name



Last Update




10/31/2009 11:43:58 AM

10/31/2009 11:43:59 AM

10/31/2009 11:44:00 AM



Herreski 2010 Mailer

10/31/2009 10:52:53 AM

10/31/2009 11:42:54 AM

10/31/2009 11:42:54 AM



10/31/2009 5:50:34 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Btw. Recover Password works fine.

And in web.config it states: <add key="DisableDotNetOpenMail" value="true" />


11/1/2009 6:43:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function


What version of mojoPortal are you using?

I've recently been working on major newsletter improvements for the coming release. If you are using MS SQL, you could get a preview release from our Novell Forge download page, It has all the newsletter improvements.

You can upgrade to this build and you will still be able to upgrade to the final release. I am running this build on this site and on

Note that the newsletter task and most tasks sleep a few seconds before they start doing their work. We now have a progress bar to show you progress of sending the newsletter. Also make sure there is at least one subscriber to the newsletter.

Hope it helps,


11/1/2009 6:46:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function

Make sure also that you have a valid email address in Administration > Site Settings in the Site Email From Address, probably this should be the same as what you have in smtp settings.

Hope it helps,


11/1/2009 10:53:11 AM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your response.

I'm using v. MySQL.

These are my settings from web.config: 

<add key="DisableDotNetOpenMail" value="false" />
<add key="SMTPServer" value="" />
<add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="false" />
<add key="SMTPUseSsl" value="false" />
<add key="SMTPPort" value="25" />
<add key="SMTPUser" value="" />
<add key="SMTPPassword" value="" />
<add key="SMTPTimeoutInMilliseconds" value="30000" />
<!-- leave this blank for ascii encoding -->
<add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value="" />

<smtp from="">
<network host="" port="25" password="" userName="" />

The mailer task is still at 0%.

br. Jacob :o)


11/1/2009 12:13:59 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function

I would check the logs under Administration > System Log to see if any related errors are being logged.

Note that password recovery uses different settings than mojoportal features, it comes from the section in Web.config whereas mojoPortal features use appSettings.

I would try to get the contact form working, if it works then the newsletter should work, but its easier to troubleshoot and test with contact form. Don't forget to add an address in the settings of the contact form where to send messages.

Hope it helps,


11/1/2009 2:54:21 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

Hi Joe,

Thanks again. I tried the contact from - it works like a charm. When I try to send a preview of the newsletter - it works like a charm. But when I try to send to subscribers it just adds the task to the queue and starts it but stays at 0%. I now have 3 mailer tasks in the queue all at 0%.

I hope you can help


Jacob :o)

11/2/2009 7:09:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter function

You did not mention whether there are any clues in the log.

I would delete all rows from mp_TaskQueue then recycle the app pool, then try again.

I cannot replicate this problem.

Make sure you have specified a valid email from address on the newsletter definition.

I would suggest if you cannot resolve it to try upgrading to the preview build I mentioned previously as a lot of work has been done to improve the newsletter.

Hope it helps,


11/2/2009 1:09:12 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

The only thing in the log is what I pasted in my 1st. post.

I found the mp_TaskQueue table and deleted all the rows. But what do you mean with "recycle app pool"?

I have a valid "email from address".

Does the preview build support mysql? You only stated mssql in your post.


Regards Jacob :o)

11/2/2009 1:21:18 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

After deleting it builds up more and more tasks in the queue without name and 0% progress.

11/2/2009 1:28:36 PM
Total Posts 20

Re: Newsletter function

I uploaded web.config again. And that seemed to get the task queue on track again. I now have:

WebTaskManager 11/2/2009 8:26:55 PM 11/2/2009 8:26:56 PM 11/2/2009 8:26:59 PM 50% Running
App Keep Alive Task 11/2/2009 8:26:52 PM 11/2/2009 8:26:59 PM 11/2/2009 8:26:59 PM 0% Started
2010 Mailer 11/2/2009 8:25:37 PM 11/2/2009 8:25:40 PM 11/2/2009 8:25:40 PM 0% Started
App Keep Alive Task 11/2/2009 8:23:35 PM 11/2/2009 8:23:39 PM 11/2/2009 8:23:49 PM 0% Running

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