shared file upload takes one back to root folder

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10/14/2009 6:52:49 AM
Total Posts 116

shared file upload takes one back to root folder

After one uploads a file at a shared folder they're taken to the top of the folder hierarchy instead of staying at the folder they were. Think this stared happening with the new flash-based multi-file uploader

10/14/2009 10:09:39 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: shared file upload takes one back to root folder

I have noticed this on my installations as well.

Joe D.

10/14/2009 10:57:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: shared file upload takes one back to root folder

I do not think this just started happening, it has been this way all along. Its not an easy problem to solve because uploading requires a full postback whereas navigating the folders is done with ajax postbacks. After the upload completes we do a response.redirect to the same url in order to get out of postback, otherwise the refresh button would post again. So once we have done this redirect its a new request for the page and it has no memory of what folder you were in. This issue was exactly the same when using a single upload at a time.

Only solution I could think of would be to use a query string parameter after redirecting but its not a pretty solution.



10/14/2009 11:16:18 AM
Total Posts 116

Re: shared file upload takes one back to root folder

I think you can edit the addressbar programmatically (hope there are no security constraints to doing that - maybe they've constrained this now to only the same domain or something to battle phising?), so the AJAX postbacks could do so to always show a URL that is unique for the current folder, not for the root of the hierarchy.

That way you could postback to it and ALSO you would be able to bookmark a certain folder which is impossible now (that is important too). Also you'd be able to put links to certain folders at other places in your site which you can't now (hard to find what URL to use, have to point to the root of the folders only)

BTW, even as it is now the AJAX postbacks could know a unique path to the current folder (like a virtual URL), don't need to have a query param for it (however I don't see why it's ugly to have such a param on the url)

I do think it's important as I say above to have/show unique url somehow for each folder in the hierarchy

10/14/2009 11:30:03 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: shared file upload takes one back to root folder

There is no problem with the ajax postbacks that navigate the folders.

The problem is full postback is required for a file upload. If the upload could be done in an ajax postback there would be no problem, but since it requires a full postback and we want to get out of full postback after the postback logic completes we do a redirect and this is seen as a brand new get request so we lose any state that was previously maintained by using ajax postbacks.

Content features like the shared files module also have to behave well on pages that include other modules, so its not really feasible to use url paramters for folders or changing the url in ways that may affect other items on the page. For example what if you have 2 instances of shared files on the same page? It would be easy if it was on a free standing page not a CMS page. Being able to bookmark virtual folders in the shared files was never a goal for the feature.

There is a lot of nuance to this issue and it is not the easiest thing to solve. One possible solution would be to popup a new page for uploading files. In fact I once tried to do this but had trouble getting NeatUpload working from within a modal window. If that could be made to work then the upload could happen in full postback in the popup window and then it could callback to the page and trigger an ajax refresh of the grid to show the new files.

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