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Hi Joe,
I did not receive an email from you. Only two noreply messages from Mojo.
The code in Novell Forge contains the following:
[ID] [int]
[ItemID] [int]
[CategoryID] [int]
In my SQLServer 2000 database WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) gives a problem. You either specifiy IGNORE_DUP_KEY in which case it is ON or you do not specify is (default is OFF). Furthermore SQL2K does not understand sys.objects. It understands sysobjects, but in that situation it gives another error (incorrect columns....????). Than I gave up the modifications.
I think it is good to mention that the scripts did not run under SQLServer 2000. It only went ok after you sent me SQLserver 2000 compliant scripts.
I suggest you add these scripts to the new release.
Best regards,