icon dont see.

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10/1/2009 4:43:31 AM
Total Posts 85 dont see icon.


new version "Site about [icon] [icon]"

new version "Site about Settings   Edit"

I noticed something in the new version. Te above, or any HTML content instead of the icon text setting was used. Not now ... This is a problem? new version or use it? or I see your icon there again?


also in the new version today, I came across something very interesting. "jsavard-mojoportal" skin in use. I made changes to your house last night was no problem, everything was fine. This morning when I checked, the administrator in the upper right  administrator - setting - login ....  case of text instead of icon wrote(i dont see icon, only see text). Then put the backup file back to the original skin, but i did not fix the problem. 1 - 2 hours later (i see icon) , when I look at the icon see me, now slip on the page there is at .. In the system now have a truly original ski and I do not understand why in this way appeared. Why do you think it is?

I can not make a new skin is not an issue because I have no knowledge. Necessarily have to use the contents mojoportal. thema download, but I could not adapt mojaportal css content. :(((((( i need step by step help ... After download new skin how to use mojo portal with example please



Thankyou for help me


10/1/2009 8:59:55 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: icon dont see.

Starting with you can choose between Icons or text for the administration links. To use Icons, change

<portal:StyleSheetCombiner id="StyleSheetCombiner" runat="server" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" />


<portal:StyleSheetCombiner id="StyleSheetCombiner" runat="server" UseIconsForAdminLinks="true" />


Hope this helps,
Joe D.

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