Mojo is running very slow

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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9/20/2009 2:06:43 PM
Total Posts 125

Mojo is running very slow


I installed Mojo portal two days ago to see if i could use it for a client' s website.

I use IIS7 and MS SQL 2008 in a shared environment of our own websites and customers. Pretty stable and fast.

I have a problem with Mojo portal running real slow. Even 20 seconds after i click a menu option.

I have tried everything in my knowledge but failed. Doesn't seem to be a db problem, since we run several other dbs very fast. Seems to be a "net" problem. Not sure what is going on.

Any ideas on what to try ?


9/21/2009 12:03:57 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Mojo is running very slow

Ok, i hate when i reply to myself but ...


It seems that what is experience is the slow start / JIT. And it is hard to solve in shared hosting. I will try all suggestions i found.

9/21/2009 1:28:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mojo is running very slow


We have something built in that can help with this issue. Since the real problem is that IIS shuts down the app if no request is received after 20 minutes by default this causes a neeed to re-JIT when a new request finally comes in, so it makes low traffic sites seem very slow.

Add this to your user.config and then touch Web.config to recycle the app.

<add key="UseAppKeepAlive" value="true" />

It will make periodic requests for the home page of the site before the timeout expires thereby keeping the app awake and already JIT compiled.

Hope it helps,


9/21/2009 4:49:32 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Mojo is running very slow

Adding your suggestion and a bit of tuning i found on IIS7 pools etc, things improved.

Not a speed king exactly but ok.



9/21/2009 4:54:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mojo is running very slow


mojoPortal is very fast in my experience so I wonder what else may be going on.

By default we are loading some javascript from the google CDN (Content Delivery Network), but depending on where (in the world) you are hosted, these externally loaded javascript files may slow down the page load time and you may wish to host the files locally as described in this document.

Hope it helps,


9/21/2009 5:22:30 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Mojo is running very slow


I didn't mean Mojo portal is slow. If i gave that impression, i apologize.

Apparently shared hosting accounts are not suitable for all kind of NET applications, DNN and Mojo etc.

So, within those limitations from the hosting account, we try to do the best.

6/4/2010 6:30:55 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Mojo is running very slow

Just FYI i moved the test Mojo site to a new Windows 2008r2 server (shared hosting) and it seems to work much-much faster, and the "wake-up" for low traffic sites is not needed.

Not sure why this happens, i'm not a server expert.

7/28/2010 10:41:31 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Mojo is running very slow

I have employed the appkeepalive solution and it "kind of" works, but my hoster's web service did shut the app down last night.

Here's an inelegant solution but one that works for me all the time. Note that this works for folks who, like me, tend to keep their PC running all the time. The link below takes you to a CNET app that plugs in to Internet Explorer. It allows you to automatically refresh a site at a user-set interval for any web site open in the browser. So, I'm in the process of developing a mojo web site for my brother's company and obviously we don't have much traffic yet. This plug-in ensures that my remote shared hosting service (win 2008 system) doesn't time out on the app pool and cause a long JIT/render process - as long as I keep his web site open in my browser and set the auto-refresh for it (in my case I've chosen to sit on the home page and refresh every ten minutes.

Again, not elegant, but effective!

10/29/2010 4:46:48 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Mojo is running very slow

I tried this (add key="UseAppKeepAlive" value="true" ) even with addition of the path. Both in user.config  and web.config. It doesn't work. What can I do more?

11/12/2010 1:17:34 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: Mojo is running very slow

Is it something the web hotel can do? Is there a question that I can put to them? I really need to fix the start up issue.

11/12/2010 2:34:42 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Mojo is running very slow


I use the AppKeepAlive on a lot of sites and it works very well. Some hosts force application pools to restart at specified intervals, regardless of whether or not they are dormant. I would assume your host does this if the AppKeepAlive doesn't seem to be working for you.

If your host does force app pools to shutdown, there isn't much you can do to remedy the problem and any .NET application you run on that host, will have this problem.

Joe D.

11/12/2010 2:51:29 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Mojo is running very slow

Indeed if your pool recycles every xxx hours OR recycles because of being full, you can do the following:

1. Submit your website to Search engines. They spider your websites and keep it alive.

2. Use a software in your computer to "visit" your pages, like this Scout

works GREAT for me in ALL Net web apps i run.

good luck


11/19/2010 1:33:35 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: Mojo is running very slow

I now got the answer from support. They suggested that I pre-compiled the site. Is that even possible with Mojo?

11/19/2010 7:37:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mojo is running very slow

all C# code in mojoPortal is already pre-compiled into dlls in the /bin folder

however those dlls are really in MSIL and are just in time compiled to native processor code by the compiler as explained here:


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