how can I retrieve the date of rss?

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9/2/2009 1:05:31 PM
Total Posts 26

how can I retrieve the date of rss?

I am developing my skyn on the skin by dcarter-Bluespring,

 I'm trying to retrieve the date of an rss equal to that site.  http: / /  which was also developed in the mojo,

 and I can't recove the date and not the words of the news, someone could help me!? thanks

9/3/2009 9:13:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: how can I retrieve the date of rss?

Your question makes no sense, you are starting with some false assumptions and therefore asking the wrong question. RSS has nothing to do with skinning at all.

The site you are pointing to simply has an instance of our Feed Manager feature added to their home page and they consume the feed exposed by their blog in the Feed Manager to show the most recent blog posts as latest news.

Hope it helps,


9/3/2009 11:08:43 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: how can I retrieve the date of rss?



thanks for your help,


sorry if I posted a question in the wrong corner,



how can I then recover the timing and content of the blog to be exposed in the feed,

I know it's in FeedManager in FeedManager folder in the file feedmodulemanager, and I can not do this setting to recover from the blog.





and there was a new issue

how can I change the div_right the case of home, for home soh!? not change the other pages.



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