New page not showing

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9/1/2009 10:45:04 AM
Total Posts 7

New page not showing

Thanks for your nice portal solution. It is really a good experience to use your software. I plan to use it for several homepages I am working on.

I have an annoying problem when updating my website.

If I add a new page it won't show up before I touch web.config. Refreshing the page or doing a login/logout do not work.

As the site I am working on now will involve some external people without file access on the web-server but allowed to add pages, they can't do the touching thing and it would be quite annoying, if I have to do it every time they want to view their changes.

I noticed on the demo site, that it works quite as I would expect it to work.

Do I have to change something in my web.config file to make it work?

Kind Regards

9/1/2009 11:19:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: New page not showing


This means there is some problem clearing the cache. When you touch Web.config it recycles the app pool and this clears the site map cache.

This should not be neccessary and probably indicates a file permission problem. We touch a cache dependency file whenever new pages are created and this should clear the cache, but if folder permissions do not allow modifying files under /Data then it fails to clear the cache.

Make sure the /Data folder and all its children are writable by the web process user. 

If files exist at /Data/Sites/1/systemfiles delete them, they should come back on their own if folder permissions are correct.

Hope it helps,


9/1/2009 12:04:55 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: New page not showing


Right on spot!

Actually after I wrote the question, I remembered something about permissions on Data folder showing up when doing the initial setup.

My webhost have set the correct permissions on App_Data folder and when I came to think about it, I believe I just ignored the message because I thought it was that some error as the permissions was set. But now i re-run the setup and it's obvious I didn't read the message carefully enough during initial setup. It clearly states, that it is the DATA folder that is not correctly set - doh!

I sendt an e-mail to my web-host to make them change the permissions.

Thanks for taking time to answer my silly question this fast Embarassed


9/2/2009 2:57:50 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: New page not showing


One small thing btw:

When I run setup with the wrong permissions on Data folder, I get a message with this text:

On XP you typically need to give write permission to ASPNET user while on Windows 2003 you need to give it to IIS_WPG user.

It is just a small text error, but it confused me for a few minutes. IIS_WPG seems to be a security group on Windows 2003 not a user. And it contains the IWAM_machinename. At least on my own Windows Server 2003.


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