This is a place to discuss how to adapt mojoPortal to the needs of different cultures. Before asking questions here please first review the localization documentation.
Hi Joe,
germans usually do not deal with am and pm, many do not know what that is. Therefore we need a 24 hours time table (or line?) in week and day view. How can I change this?
If forcing German culture does not fix it let me know and I will implement a module setting for it.
Also, if you decide to translate the STSEventCal.resx to, please sned it to me and I will include it in future releases for the benefit of other German users.
Forcing German culture does not fix it
I shall translate STSEventCal.resx to and I shall send it to.
Hi Matthias,
I will implement the module setting tomorrow and post again when a new version is ready for you to download.
Thanks for the beer! And the translation!
This is now implemented in version, there is a module setting for the clock format as either am/pm or 24 hour.