How can I translate a registration e-mail?

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8/25/2009 9:42:35 AM
Total Posts 6

How can I translate a registration e-mail?

Hello Joe!

could you tell me where I can find the file containing the following text I want to translate:


Thank You for Registering with ...!

Your Registration will be confirmed by clicking the link below to unlock your account.
This is to prevent other people from Registering with your email address.



8/25/2009 11:45:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How can I translate a registration e-mail?


In looking up the answer to this question I discovered a small bug. Currently its using the cultureinfo of the executing thread to choose which file to use but really it should be based on the site default culture. So your browser language preference is set to english so it uses the file /Data/MessageTemplates/en-US-RegistrationConfirmedEmailMessage.config

It would use a different file if your browser language is set to something different for which we have a translation.

for now you can edit that english file but you can also create one with the prefix of your preferred language because I will fix this for the next relese to make sure it uses the site language as specified in Web.config as documented at the bottom of this page in the section about forcing a specific culture.

Hope it helps,


9/1/2009 9:44:56 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: How can I translate a registration e-mail?

Hi Joe,


thanks a lot! For now, I just translated  en-US-RegistrationConfirmedEmailMessage.config into German to get a German confirmation mail. After the next update, we will use the German file.



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