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I use the mojoPortal MSSQL since February of 2009 and it works fine! But in the last week it stop of work and I need restart the pool of application to it start work again.
In the System Log show:
2009-08-25 00:53:21,144 ERROR mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask - System.IO.IOException: Lock obtain timed out: Lock@C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\lucene-4654de6ba14cd22ed6c4906a50d7a8d1-write.lock at Lucene.Net.Store.Lock.Obtain(Int64 lockWaitTimeout) at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.AquireWriteLock() at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.DeleteDocument(Int32 docNum) at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.DeleteDocuments(Term term) at mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexWriterTask.ProcessQueue(DataTable q, String indexPath)
I need help to this error.
Euclides Chuma
A lot of improvements have been made to the search index, I recommend you upgrade to the latest version. Then if the problem persists, delete all rows from mp_IndexingQueue and mp_TaskQueue and then rebuild the search index.
Hope it helps,