That config setting is only for situations where you are not allowed to have a db user who is the dbo (database owner). Do not change that unless you are in that situation. Never change it after a site is already working.
Ideally you would have 1 installation with a fixed ip address, then you can point all the domains to that ip address and use host name based multi sites.
It "may" be possible to have different physical installations using the same db but that will be a complicated scenario at upgrade time. You would have to upload the new files and upgrade the first site, then the other may be broken unntil you upload the files to those installations.
You would get the first one working first, then setup the next one pointing to the same db, but you will have to then "create" the second site from the site settings of the first site and configure the host name for it. Until you do that the second site will show the same content as the first site. Whether you can get this working is a "your mileage may vary" depending on your host and your own knowledge and skill configuring things.
Hope it helps,