2278 init error on Net 2.0 / MySQL 4.1.22

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7/1/2009 11:19:50 AM
Total Posts 70

2278 init error on Net 2.0 / MySQL 4.1.22


I am trying to setup the Mojo 2278 to ASP.NET 2.0 hosting / MySQL 4122 and got the init error below. Please, appreciate any comments.

The only table mp_Sites was created finally in the Database. The sources of 2278 been located at the web root directory, the permissions are granted for write.

With bests,


=Setup LOG==========================================

Тестирование системы... System testing
Разрешения для файловой системы достаточны для установки. FileSystem permissions are OK
MySQL Соединение с базой данных установлено :) MySQL connection  is OK
Привилегии пользователя базы данных достаточны для изменения схемы. DB user permissions are OK for DB shema upgrade..
Начальная схема базы данных уже существует :) Initial schema already exist
Основная схема базы данных нуждается в обновлении :) Main schema needs to be upgraded..
Найдено 0 сайт/сайта/сайтов. 0 Sites been found
Running scripts
Выполнение скрипта mojoportal-core - - 00:00:00.1875000

An Error Occurred:Table 'grudako_bk.mp_SchemaVersion' doesn't exist
Stack Trace at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.OpenPacket() at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.ReadResult(UInt64& affectedRows, Int64& lastInsertId) at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.GetResultSet() at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult() at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(MySqlConnection connection, MySqlTransaction transaction, String commandText, MySqlParameter[] commandParameters, Boolean ExternalConn) at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, String commandText, MySqlParameter[] commandParameters) at mojoPortal.Data.DBPortal.SchemaVersionGetSchemaVersion(Guid applicationId) at mojoPortal.Data.DBPortal.SchemaVersionExists(Guid applicationId) at mojoPortal.Business.DatabaseHelper.UpdateSchemaVersion(Guid applicationId, String applicationName, Int32 major, Int32 minor, Int32 build, Int32 revision) at mojoPortal.Web.UI.Pages.SetupHome.RunUpgradeScripts(Guid applicationId, String applicationName, String pathToScriptFolder, Version versionToStopAt) at mojoPortal.Web.UI.Pages.SetupHome.UpgradeSchema(String applicationName) at mojoPortal.Web.UI.Pages.SetupHome.RunSetup() at mojoPortal.Web.UI.Pages.SetupHome.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

7/1/2009 11:42:48 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 2278 init error on Net 2.0 / MySQL 4.1.22

If the mp_Sites table exists it will try to upgrade if not it will try new installation.

I recommend try droping the mp_Sites table and run the /Setup/Default.aspx page again.

In general though, I do not offer support for old versions. I recommend get 3.5 .NET hosting and use the latest version of mojoPortal. There is nothing I can do to resolve issues in old versions.



7/1/2009 12:34:42 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: 2278 init error on Net 2.0 / MySQL 4.1.22

Thanks a lot, Joe, for the prompt reply..

I am clering the DB for two days trying 2278 and 2279 without any progress unfortunately..

Of course, I've sent the request for ASP.NET 3.5 SP 1 upgrade to the hosting support but for the moment we have only 2.0 (( and domain transfer will require the time.

OK, anyway, thank you so much for the best asp.net GPL engine at the market.

Best regards,



7/1/2009 1:24:57 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: 2278 init error on Net 2.0 / MySQL 4.1.22

Finally, I've setup the 2279 SQLite, it's work.

Thanks again for the greate engine.


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