When doing it with a new web page (inheriting from System.Web.UI.Page and to call it with Response.Redirect("MyPage.aspx") there is no problem. But how I must do it if the content is inherited from mojoPortal.Web.SiteModuleControl. That is to say, this content I turn it into module ("Feature Modules") in mojoportal, and soon I put in a page Web ("Add/Edit Page"), how I call to the resulting page, to invoke it from an event. Because if I call that page from a menu is no problem, because it makes mojoportal, but if I want to call it directly, how I make?Por another side, if I must necessarily make it with a new web page (System.Web.UI.Page), how I inherit skin of the site, not to lose the superior panel and the panel of the mojoportal left?
Thanks in advance...