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OS - Windows 2008
Database - MSSQL 2008
mojoPortal Version - MSSQL
Go to Offer adimistration in your web store.
Go to Products tab.
Add a product completely, it opens a new window for selection of the product, then takes you back to your webstore's offer page. Select add a product again and instead of opening a new window it opens up the selection in the current window. Selecting a product gives an error.
My current fix is to merely save the offer between every new item.
I could not produce this today using the latest code so perhaps I've already done something to fix it.
Do you get the same result no matter whether using Firefox or IE or Chrome or does it only happen in a specific browser?
Okay - Firefox does NOT do this - it works every time in Firefox.
However, MS IE 8 does this. I tried it again just now, and I can confirm it's still doing it.
I don't have chrome any more - It was too limited for me.
Ok, I tried it here with IE 8 using the latest code and it works as expected so I assume it is fixed in svn and will be fixed in the next release.