I'm building a module and need to use my ModuleGuid on a User Control ascx page. The control is used inside a Grid.
I have no problem getting my ModuleGuid on aspx pages using...
Module module = new Module(ModuleId);
_gModule = module.ModuleGuid;
However on my User controls ModuleID is -1 because I can't pass parms to my User Control and get it using ModuleId = WebUtils.ParseInt32FromQueryString("mid", -1);
I get my site user Guid fine:
SiteUser siteUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();
if (siteUser != null) _gUser = siteUser.UserGuid;
and get SiteGuid fine:
_gSite = siteSettings.SiteGuid;
My User control is of type SiteModuleControl
I searched through dozens of User Controls in mojoPortal but none of them use ModuleGuid.
Any idea's